Saturday, November 3, 2007

Coming attractions

Last night I officially crossed The Memory Keeper's Daughter off my list. Having read only 100 pages, I went to our book club meeting about it a little sheepishly. It was actually one of the best meetings I've ever been to, largely because I didn't read. Instead I got to ask all the "whodunnit" questions. This book was MUCH better hearing about it from someone else. So glad I didn't suffer through the pain and misery that I was apparently pages away from encountering and that would continue for the next two hundred.

Biggest coup of the week: I spotted Richard Russo's new Bridge of Sighs in hardback sitting on the "to shelve" stack in my school's library. It had just arrived. No more waiting for it to come out in paperback.


Maura said...

Going through old drawings and papercuts the other day, I found an extra of those bird cards that you liked (the bluebird in snow drawing) and I'll mail it to you if you want. Just email me your mailing address and I'll get it in the mail to you. :)

jmw said...

And I really liked this book. Heart-wrenching and maddening as it was much of the time, there was also amazing courage, resilience, understanding and even joy. I ran across my copy just last week and decided to read it (skim) again!