Thursday, July 19, 2007

An Aside: The Maytrees

I'm still struggling with my final analysis of this one. Complex, beautiful prose...the characters were hard to grasp. I finished the novel without a full mental picture of either Maytree because at times her descriptions of them were purposefully contradictory or simply hard to conjure. Okay here's an example of what I'm talking about right on page 1 when Toby and Lou first meet:

"He felt himself blush and knew his freckles looked green. She was young and broad of mouth and eye and jaw, fresh, solid and airy, as if light rays worked her instead of muscles" (1).

Yes, I can picture this; perhaps it is that I cannot relate. So here's my question about this perplexing novel (also a sign that I cannot relate): I know it's set in the 60s, but I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that Lou accepts Toby leaving her to raise Petie all on her own. Or that fact that she accepts his return with so much ease and grace. It just seems -- unsettling. Cannot find a comment about this in any of the glowing reviews I have read.

Obviously this one was thought-provoking. Highly recommend.

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